Tedcor Blogs - June 2018

Winter smog…

We like to calculate the seasons based on astronomy. So, we use the solstices and the equinoxes as our midpoints. By that calculation, the midpoint of winter is almost upon us. On 21 June, we will experience the shortest day and the longest night – the point at which, because of the tilt of Earth’s axis, we in the Southern Hemisphere are furthest away from the direct rays of the sun, which is why we experience winter.

Of course, this also means we are at our coldest. For those who live inland in big cities, you will have noticed the layer of brown air hanging over the cities. This is partly a legacy of apartheid – people in the former townships who never had access to electricity used to burn wood and use coal-fired stoves to cook and stay warm. It still happens today, even though large areas now have electricity.

However, what happens more and more these days is that people burn their trash, both to get rid of it, and also to stay warm in areas where people have less money. Of course, we at Tedcor know this is bad for two reasons: first, people only burn trash if it’s not being effectively managed, which is where we come in; second, trash is often made up of highly toxic materials like polystyrene and plastic, which, when set alight, release noxious gases into the air that we breathe.

At Tedcor, we encourage you not to burn your trash. Rather recycle as much as you can, and then throw the rest into rubbish bins for safe and hygienic removal.

Petrol’s gone up again! Use your trash to save money.

In early June 2018, South Africa’s petrol price skyrocketed to record levels of over R15 a litre. The unfortunate consequence is that this usually leads to an increase in the price of everything – especially consumable goods like food, which need to be transported to points of sale.

While petrol price increases may be good for reduced carbon emissions (assuming people switch to public transport or use their cars less because of fuel prices), it’s bad for the budget, which is why it’s important to save as much as possible.

How? Well, just follow the Tedcor mantra: reduce, re-use, recycle!

Do you ever just throw away your plastic packets after a trip to the supermarket? Always recycle and re-use these bags, or switch to organic environmental bags. How many times do you buy food in plastic containers, and then just throw them away? Instead of spending money on expensive Tupperware-type products, simply use the plastic that you have already bought food in.

Every cent helps. So if you just recycle every piece of trash that you can, you might even be able to offset the petrol price increase by saving the same amount of money.

What are S’Camtho and Thandanani doing these school holidays?

Tedcor’s new Teddy Bears, papa S’Camtho and baby girl Thandanani, are gearing up for the holidays in June/July. S’Camtho is a smart dad (who will be enjoying Father’s Day in June), and he always makes sure that his awesome daughter Thandanani is not being idle all holiday long.

Yes, of course there will be time for leisure and fun, after a long term of hard work at school – but this will not just be a holiday of vegging out all day watching TV and playing on the smartphone.

Every morning, S’Camtho will ask Thandanani to clean her room, and separate her trash: sweet wrappers will go into a rubbish bag used exclusively for plastic; magazines that her mom bought for her will be recycled to the dentist and doctor’s rooms for patients to read while they are waiting, or to a home for senior citizens so that the elderly folk have some new reading material; underclothes and socks will go into the wash for cleaning, but pants and shirts that are not dirty can be separated and re-worn, to save water.

In addition, S’Camto has asked Thandanani to make the family dinner once a week, to prepare her, as she gets older, to look after her own family one day. This will teach her to be responsible, and mom will supervise so that she doesn’t get injured. She will be tasked with clearing the fridge of all excess foods and creating a dish, in conjunction with her dad, made exclusively of left-overs and food that is still fresh but may get spoiled if not used.

Thandanani will collect any rubbish that has blown into the Tedcor Bear garden overnight, which will be cleared up and put into the bin, for weekly rubbish collection. Once Thandanani has completed all her chores, S’Camto will run her down the road for a take-away meal (where all rubbish will be recycled), and after that, Thandanani can watch a movie, go play with her friends, or connect with them on her phone.

It should be an exciting holiday!

Trash 2 Trends: Orlando rules

The city of Orlando in Florida in the United States is best known as the home of Walt Disney World, the mega-theme park that is a major global tourist destination.

However, the city has also pioneered an annual fashion show based on clothing designed exclusively from trash that was destined for the landfill. Called Trash 2 Trends, the event is presented by the local SeaWorld, as a fundraiser for the Keep Orlando Beautiful movement. 2018 marked the fifth year of the event, which has become a rather shi-shi affair of glam haute couture.

What makes Trash 2 Trends, branded as “a recycled runway show,” such a smashing success, is that it both raises awareness of how to recycle rubbish, while at the same time educating people to end their penchant for being a throw-away culture.

Well, we at Tedcor just LOVE the idea, and we think it’s high time we stole it and used it in South Africa. Perhaps a deliciously trashy affair at the upcoming Durban July? Or how about a nice innovative event for Soweto? We’re throwing down the gauntlet for Johannesburg, Cape Town or Durban to pick up the trend and give it a truly African spin!

Please click here to view details of the Orlando event: http://www.cityoforlando.net/publicworks/keep-orlando-beautiful/trash-2-trends/

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